Claude Auger
Professor, Secretary of the Faculty of Theology, Faculty of theology
T 613-233-5696 ext: 341
Office: 341
My involvement in school pastoral care at both the secondary and college levels motivated me to further my studies in theology at Université Laval. I came to Ottawa afterward to work at Novalis, a Catholic bilingual publishing house, then a department of Saint Paul University. Working in a university environment made it possible for me to take graduate courses in theology. For my doctoral thesis, I chose to examine the spirituality of religious congregations of sisters at the service of the clergy. I have since continued to study the evolution of consecrated life in its multiple forms.
Teaching at Dominican University College (DUC) allows me to combine a commitment in the name of my faith involving theology, my main field of study, and a lifelong passion for history and the arts. Over the years, I have given courses on the history of the Church in general, and specifically in Canada, on consecrated life, as well as on Christian art and Catholic devotions.
Along with my duties at DUC, I am assisting the Oblate sisters of Bethany with the cause for the beatification and canonization of their founder, Father Eugène Provost, a priest of Canadian origin who spent most of his life in France and Italy. Out of this work grew my interest in sainthood within the Catholic Church, more specifically in holy figures that have graced the Church in Canada.
- Church History I: First Centuries
- Church History II: The Middle Ages
- Church History III: Protestant and Catholic Reformations
- Introduction to Religious Christian Art
- The Protestant Reformation
- Church History III: Protestant and Catholic Reformations
- History of the Church I: The Early and Medieval Church
L’aventure fraternelle des Capucins de Hull 1967-2014 : annoncer l’Évangile autrement, Lac-Bouchette, Ermitage Saint-Antoine, 2016, 162 p.
Chapter in Book
« Les causes de canonisation, porteuses de mémoire des communautés », chapitre du livre Understanding the Consecrated Life in Canada: Critical Essays on Contemporary Trends, édité par Jason Zuidema, Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2015, 458 p. (p. 305-332)
Articles and collaborations
« Mon travail au service des Oblates de Béthanie pour la cause du père Eugène Prévost », Bulletin de la Société d’histoire de l’Église catholique, vol. 26, n° 2, juin 2016, p. 10-14
« Les revues de pastorale liturgique au Canada francophone », Vivre et célébrer, vol. 48, n° 217, printemps 2014, p. 54-58
« Hildegarde de Bingen “magistra et mater” », Prêtre et pasteur, vol. 116, n° 11, décembre 2013, p. 671-678
« Kateri Tekakwitha : quelques aspects de sa spiritualité », Prêtre et pasteur, vol. 115, n°9, octobre 2012, p. 551-557
« Des gens de chez nous, reflets de la sainteté de Dieu », Sel + Lumière, n° 3, automne-hiver 2012/2013, p. 7-8