Philosophie de l'histoire / Philosophy of History | Dominican University College

Philosophie de l'histoire / Philosophy of History​ (bilingue / bilingual)

Dans ce cours, les étudiant-es vont explorer la philosophie de l’histoire. Philosophiquement, l’histoire peut être conçue comme objet, comme science humaine, comme mode d’interprétation ou comme mode de construction. Les étudiant-es vont donc se familiariser avec plusieurs approches en philosophie de l’histoire que l’on rencontre dans bien des débats contemporains en philosophie et dans la sphère publique. Les étudiant-es parcourront ainsi l’approche spéculative, de Saint-Augustin à Hegel et ses critiques, Marx et Nietzsche; l’approche épistémologique, qui inclut les perspectives critique (R. Aron) et analytique (Hempel, Dray), l’approche narrativiste, qui considère l’entrecroisement de l’histoire et du récit (P. Ricoeur) et l’approche post-moderniste et post structuraliste (JF Lyotard, M. Foucault).

In this course, students will explore the philosophy of history. Philosophically, history can be understood as an object, as a human science, as a mode of interpretation or as a mode of construction. Students will therefore become familiar with several approaches to the philosophy of history that we encounter in many contemporary debates in philosophy and in the public sphere. Students will thus explore the speculative approach, from Saint Augustine to Hegel and his critics, Marx and Nietzsche; the epistemological approach, which includes the critical (R. Aron) and analytical (Hempel, Dray) perspectives, the narrativist approach, which considers the interweaving of history and narrative (P. Ricoeur) and the post -modernist and post-structuralist (JF Lyotard, M. Foucault).

Bilingual - Bilingue
lundi/Monday, 13h30-16h20
Room Number: 
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Academic Year: 
Course Code: 
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with a minor in Ethics
Bachelor of Arts with a Concentration in Philosophy
Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Philosophy and in Theology
Bachelor of Arts with a major in Theology and a minor in Philosophy
Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Theology and Philosophy
Bachelor of Arts, major in Philosophy & minor in Theology
Bachelor of Philosophy
Bachelor of Philosophy with a minor in Ethics
Certificate in Philosophy
Certificate in Philosophy (Applied Ethics)
Certificate in Philosophy and in Theology
Interest Courses in Philosophy