Library | Dominican University College

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Beware of the barrenness of a busy life.


Welcome to the library of Dominican University College. Our library specializes in philosophy and theology in primarily the French and English languages with important holdings in Hebrew, Greek and Latin. Please use the on-line catalogue button to search our collection of over 140,000 volumes and over 400 periodicals. Prospective students and research scholars are also invited to visit us personally. You may enjoy the collection of visual arts texts in the Fra Angelico room or visit our unique holdings of rare books in the Wilson room. Our library facilities and staff are here to ensure your academic success in a peaceful and contemplative urban environment.


Click to access the online catalogue




students in library


Library Hours


(613) 233-5696 ext.216

Regular hours for the fall/winter session:

Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 4:00pm
Closed weekends.
Assistant Librarian

Library Service Desk
(613) 233-5696 ext.218







Links to libraries of other faculties of theology in Ontario: 

Saint Paul Université:

Saint Michael:

Regis College: